Zvýhodněná rekreace v Česku
A career in website design can involve the design, creation, and coding of a range of website types. Other tasks will typically include liaising with clients and discussing website specifications, incorporating feedback, working on graphic design and image editing, and enabling multimedia features such as audio and video. Requiring a range of creative and technical skills, web designers may be involved in work across a range of industries, including software companies, IT consultancies, web design companies, corporate organizations, and more. In contrast with web developers, web designers tend to play a more creative role, crafting the overall vision and design of a site, and determining how to best incorporate the necessary functionality. However, there can be significant overlap between the roles.
Jak benefity čerpat?
A career in website design can involve the design, creation, and coding of a range of website types. Other tasks will typically include liaising with clients and discussing website specifications, incorporating feedback, working on graphic
Spolek profesionálních řidičů
a zaměstnanců, z.s.
IČ: 21722005
+420 721 846 254
č.p. 73, 687 61 Vlčnov